Thursday, February 21, 2008

My "Kids"

Kim's birthday is on Saturday, so I decided to just frame some pictures of the kids. The only thing is, the pictures I actually like that I have of them are too small to print, so they would be blurry, SO, yesterday was my only chance to get pictures. :) Hanah was NOT in a good mood and Logan didn't want his picture taken, so well.....THIS is how they turned out. :( Thought I would post them anyway though. :)

-Sidenote: I do not have the 20D anymore to use, so these were taken on the Canon xti, which I think is the camera I will buy WHEN I buy one! :)


Chelle Majeski said...

I came across your site by accident, but was intrigued. Keep up the excellent progress with your pictures! They are beautiful. My husband and I shoot with a 20D, and have had good success with it. He is the real photographer, but I have a few that I have taken on my blog. I am impressed with your age and talent. Thanks for sharing them! God Bless,

Chelle Majeski said...

Thanks for the comment on my site. I took most of the pictures. Unless I am in them, and then my husband did. I have been reading your other blog, and my heart is broken for you. You are so young to be going through so much, but you are inspiring to me that you are coming through and will continue with such grace. I want you to know that even though we have never met, I will be praying for you and your family daily. And from a former Nanny, it sounds like you are doing a great job with those kids. I will check your blog frequently. Keep taking ARE capturing moments, and you are only going to improve.
Many Prayers,

Besh said...

Very cute pictures Danielle!

Anonymous said...

I love your pics! my mom showed me your blog (she is mickinick) I think that you are a really good photographer. Keep up the good work.