Monday, April 21, 2008

Before and After


Okay, I need some sort of disclaimer! ;) The point with editing these pictures was to make them look "artsy" more edgy I guess. So, YES, they look fake after they've been edited, but that's what I was trying to do. I know, not too smart huh? Maybe I wont edit my pics anymore! ;)


Katie Marie said...

Fun! On the first photo, I like the before better, but I'm still lovin' the 'after' on the trolley! :)

I think you should keep experimenting with editing your photos. At least, I love seeing before and after pictures, especially if you post exactly what you did to modify the photo.

What program do you use for such edits, btw?


Danielle said...

I am using Photoshop Elements 2.0 SO it's an old version, but there's still quite a bit I can do with them. :) I just need to learn it all!

John-Clay said...

Wow! Pics are lookin' good!!

The wheel would seem to look better with a rustic sepia tint to it. It's hard to make a picture like that fit the "artsy" style. :) However it looks ok when combined with the waterfall in your other post, soooo it depends on what you are comparing it to.

The caboose....WOW! Love it, the corrected one that is! Very very nice!

Keep it up.

Danielle said...

Thanks JC...yea, I was trying to do a sepia toned pic with the wheel actually and couldn't figure out how to in you know how? It would look more "rustic" that way probably, which fits better for that pic than artsy. Thanks for the input.

Glad you like the caboose!

Anonymous said...


No, don't stop editing!! These are good! I really like the caboose, both how you edited it and the original angle and composition.

The violet in the last set is great!

As far as turning a photo into sepia, I have PSE 5, but maybe 2.0 will have some if not all of the same options.

I know of three ways to do this...

1)Convert the background picture to B&W. Then, create a new "color fill" layer. Set the color of this layer to brown, either by sliding the color picker or, if you can, type in the HTML code of the color. I think Sienna4, #7E3517, looks pretty good.

Once you've done that, change the layer blend mode to "Overlay" and if you want, decrease the opacity somewhat until you like what you see. (I'm an "adjust until I like it and who cares about concrete numbers" kind of person, lol)

2)If you have filters, then you can add a Sepia photo filter. In mine, it's found under Filters > Photo Filters. Then there is a drop-down menu with all different types of filters, there should be a sepia one.

Then, just adjust the density of the effect.

3) If you have any special effects,there may be an image effect that tints Sepia. In mine, its under Special Effects > Photo Effects > Image Effects > Tint Sepia.

Like I said, I don't know the capabilities of Elements 2.0, so I have no idea if any of this will apply.

Keep on "playing around" in Photoshop - and keep on sharing your photos with us!

You are doing an amazing job!